Jérôme Sessini Anti-Gaddafi rebels in combat with pro-Gaddafi troops on March 9, 2011 outside Ras Lanuf, Libya. The rebels, who control the east of the country, have been trying to push back the Gaddafi troops to (...)
be able to take control of the town of Ben Jawad. They use Katusha rockets and other weapons. Ras Lanuf, Libya, March 9, 2011. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini The anti-Gaddafi rebels continue their advance to eliminate the last pockets of the Gaddafi loyalist resistance on August 24, 2011 in Tripoli, Libya. After more than two days of combat, the rebels (...)
took the neighborhood Abu Slim.
Tripoli, Libya, August 24, 2011 © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Clashes between migrants and police. Several times a week, migrants of different nationalities try to slow down the trucks that go to England. The migrants who live in the "Jungle" of Calais are a (...)
mix of refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants from Darfur, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Eritrea. The Calais jungle is the name given to the the shantytown near Calais city, where migrants live while they attempt to enter the United Kingdom by stowing away on ferries, cars, or trains travelling through the Port of Calais or the Eurotunnel Calais Terminal. About 5 000 migrants are living in the Jungle of Calais. France, November 25, 2015. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini An Orthodox priest blesses the protesters on a barricade. Kiev, Ukraine. February 20, 2014: unidentified snipers opened fire on unarmed protesters as they were advancing on Instituska street. Acco (...)
rding to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot police claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Donetsk. November 28, 2014.
Coal miners awaiting the lift to go at the bottom of the mine. Tchelunskinsev coal mine, in the Petrovskyi district in the western district of Donetsk, are sti (...)
ll operating despite the fact that the mine is under the constant shelling from ukrainian army artillery, besieging the city. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Mariupol. July 15, 2014
Members of the Azov battalion relaxing on the beach.
The Azov battalion, based in Ourzouf inside the former summer residence of Lioudmilla Yanukovych on the Azov (...)
sea shore, is a special battalion formed of Ukrainian volunteers under the command of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine. This battalion in charge of fighting against armed pro-Russian insurrection in the east, was formed in May 5, 2014.
It is composed of about 500 volunteers, Some of the leaders are part of the far right group "Patriots of Ukraine" and they were among the hardest groups during the protests in Maidan. The Azov battalion has also connections with the extreme right movment "Pravy Sektor". © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Donetsk. November 24, 2014.
The coal storage area of the mine.
Tchelunskinsev coal mine, in the Petrovskyi district in the western district of Donetsk, are still operating despite the fa (...)
ct that the mine is under the constant shelling from ukrainian army artillery, besieging the city. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos