Jim Goldberg "Early Morning, Plummer Park." This is a place where homeless outreach advocates give out free food, condoms and other services. This 14-year-old had just come back from a bad trick with a Hollywoo (...)
d producer and is sore and bruised all over. He is takes a smoke break and is about to go turn another trick. West Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. 1989. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg "Destiny's Shiny Bracelet." Destiny and Napoleon in their squat underneath the Hollywood Freeway. She has just screwed Napoleon for food. Her bracelet was given to her by a gang member who wants to (...)
pimp her. She says that she likes to have her picture taken because her uncle used to like to photograph her naked. Hollywood, California, USA. 1989. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg "Slamming Alcohol." The Palms Hotel. Cookie, a street kid, having just discovered that she is pregnant, wants to celebrate. As no one has any speed or wants to go out and turn a trick, they turn t (...)
o the only thing they do have - a quarter pint of 101 Bacardi Rum. They shoot up with this. West Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. 1988. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg "Tank, Room 17, Riviera Hotel." San Francisco, the Riviera Hotel window. Tank, a homeless youth, has just woken up midday from being fast asleep. Hungover, he pulls out his gun and reenacts a Russi (...)
an roulette game played earlier with a friend. San Francisco, USA. 1987. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg 'Under Highway 280, San Francisco'. A picture of the Mediterranean in this squat reminds the homeless youth who stay here of 'home.' As San Francisco becomes gentrified with the dot-com boom, the h (...)
omeless are pushed further and further out of the center. Squats such as this one are taken up by street-kids and homeless adults south of the city. San Francisco, USA. 1991. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'Crystal Fucked Up'. Crystal, a Latino transvestite homeless youth, quickly got involved in speed and prostitution. This image was taken after he had been shooting speed for a year. He is waiting e (...)
ndlessly by a pay phone for someone, anyone, to call him up so that he can turn a trick and buy more speed. Los Angeles, USA. 1986. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'Destiny's Shiny Bracelet'. Destiny and Napoleon in their squat underneath the Hollywood Freeway. She has just screwed Napoleon for food. Her bracelet was given to her by a gang member who wants to (...)
pimp her. She says that she likes to have her picture taken because her uncle used to like to photograph her naked. Los Angeles, USA. 1989. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'April'. April points a gun at a picture of her old boyfriend, the father of her newborn baby. At this time she is living at her mother's home in the San Fernando Valley, and there is a restraining (...)
order against her ex-boyfriend. He has been physically and emotionally abusive to her. The gun was purchased by her mother for her protection after he broke into her home and attacked her and April. San Fernando Valley, USA. 1989. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'Girl with No Name'. This girl is holding a crack pipe - so crazed that she searches every corner of the sidewalk, picking up white refuse, hoping it will be crack. She has broken an identification (...)
card in half and is rubbing the ink from it on her face. San Francisco, USA. 1992. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'Under Highway 280, San Francisco'. A picture of the Mediterranean in this squat reminds the homeless youth who stay here of "home." As San Francisco becomes gentrified with the dot-com boom, the h (...)
omeless are pushed further and further out of the center. Squats such as this one are taken up by street kids and homeless adults south of the city. San Francisco, USA. 1991. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'Slamming Alcohol'. Cookie, a street kid, having just discovered that she is pregnant, wants to celebrate. As no one has any speed or wants to go out and turn a trick, they turn to the only thing t (...)
hey do have - a quarter pint of 101 Bacardi Rum. They shoot up with this at The Palms Hotel. Los Angeles, USA. 1988. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Raised By Wolves 'I'm Fuckin' Inocent (Good Night Nikki)'. This squat is an abandoned house in a neighborhood of middle class families. Television crews had just come in through the doors in order to expose the lif (...)
estyle of the kids in the squat. Because of all the TV crews their squat was discovered and the kids were kicked out. Los Angeles, USA. 1990. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos