David Seymour Spanish painter Pablo Picasso in front of his painting "Guernica", at its unveiling at the Spanish Pavilion of the International World Fair held six weeks after the aerial bombing of the Basque vil (...)
lage of Guernica. Picasso completed this monumental canvas which became an international symbol of the Spanish Republican cause. The city was completely destroyed by an air raid on the 29th April 1937, it was claimed that the bombing had not been done by the Nationalist forces, but by the Condor Legion of the German air force under the direction of Franco's government. July 12th, 1937. Paris, France. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
Herbert List FRANCE, Paris. Pablo PICASSO at his studio. 1948.The large painting behind him is called LA CUISINE (II), painted in November 1948, oil on canvas format 175x252 cms. The smaller vertical painting i (...)
s called LE FILS DE L ARTISTE 'CLAUDE' EN COSTUME POLONAIS and was made on 23 October 1948, oil on canvas, format 120x50 cms. © Herbert List | Magnum Photos
Rene Burri FRANCE. Languedoc-Roussillon. Gard. Nîmes. 1957. Bullfighting in the arena. The Spanish painter Pablo PICASSO offers his watch to the Spanish bullfighter Antonio ORDONEZ. At his left, his son Paulo (...)
his son Paulo and Christine PAUPLIN, Paulo Picasso's wife. Center, with a cap: Eugenio ARIAS, Picasso's friend.
(Picasso is sitting behind Eugenio Arias. To his right: Jacqueline Picasso). © Rene Burri | Magnum Photos