Stuart Franklin | Open for Business Renewable energy. The Sound of Hoy in the Orkney Islands generates some of the biggest waves in the UK. This wave energy is being harnessed by Pelamis Wave machines. The Old Man of Hoy in the backg (...)
round. Scotland, UK. 2013. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Peter Marlow | Open for Business 'Open for Business' is the largely untold story of British manufacturing and industry through the lens of the world's greatest photographers Magnum Photos. Organised by the arts organisation multi- (...)
story who have commissioned nine photographers to document and record manufacturing industries in nine British cities. 'Open for Business' will focus on the historic industrial areas in the UK as well as new and innovative industries as we look to the future, seeking out success stories, large and small, that reflect Britain's changing industrial and cultural heritage. The project will tell the story of British manufacturing, capturing the current landscape and its effect on people, community and culture through a unique international perspective.
Peter Marlow was assigned to photograph in 'The Black County' in the West Midlands, concentrating on traditional industries. Wedge Galvanising. The UK's largest hot-dip galvanising organisation. After 'dipping', steelwork for the construction industry is lifted out of the Galvanising Bath, 21 metres long, 1.5 m wide and 3 metres deep. 2013. © Peter Marlow | Magnum Photos