Carolyn Drake Nicknamed 'The Door To Hell,' Darvaza gas crater has been burning since 1971 when Soviet geologists tried burning off the gas in an underground cavern to prevent poisoning. Gas is in readily availa (...)
ble in Turkmenistan and was supplied free of charge across the country until 2014. Darvaza, Turkmenistan. 2009. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake | Two Rivers Bartang river. The road was built with support from the Aga Khan foundation after the Soviet Union dissolved. During Soviet times, military roads were built along the Afghan border, but in the Bart (...)
ang valley, which was not a strategic military zone, there were no roads. Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region. Bartang, Tajikistan. 2008. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake An Uzbek woman whose family follows Shariah law poses in the courtyard of her home. The population of the Fergana Valley was devoutly Muslim before Soviet times, one of the major reasons the Sovie (...)
t Union wanted to divide the area and weaken the religious bonds that were part of the fabric of life. Fergana Valley, Karasu, Kyrgyzstan. 2007. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos